Navigating Merger Control: Vietnam in the International Context

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – Indochine Counsel’s Partner Truong Huu Ngu played a pivotal role in FiinGroup’s illuminating webinar on September 6, 2023. Titled “Economic Concentration Notification in M&A Transactions in Vietnam: Insights from Insiders”, this event marked a noteworthy milestone, being seemingly the first of its kind in Vietnam. It drew the attention of over 600 attendees, including representatives from major financial institutions, corporations, and top-tier law firms in Vietnam.

Esteemed speakers at the seminar included Mr. Le Thanh Son of the Vietnam Competition Commission (VCC) and Mr. Le Xuan Dong of FiinGroup.

In his presentation, Mr. Truong Huu Ngu provided a comparative overview of merger filing rules in the US, EU, Singapore, and Vietnam. He touched upon notification requirements in these jurisdictions, highlighting elements such as the kind of notification (mandatory vs. voluntary), scope of transactions, relevant notification thresholds, and, importantly, exemptions.

Going deeper into transaction analysis, Mr. Ngu elucidated concepts like the “substantial lessening of competition” test and the guiding principles followed by nations with progressive merger control regimes.

He further elaborated on the approaches lawyers employ for an initial comprehensive evaluation of an M&A transaction and offered insights into preparing a merger filing in Vietnam.

Concluding the session, Mr. Ngu, alongside the other experts, responded to a variety of questions posed by attendees about the practical aspects of merger filing regulations in Vietnam.

Reflecting on the seminar’s theme, Mr. Truong Huu Ngu stated that as antitrust M&A gains traction in Vietnam, a grasp of international regulations enhances not only the knowledge of Vietnamese professionals but also enriches their understanding of global clientele.

For those interested:

  • Mr. Ngu’s presentation slides (available in both English and Vietnamese) can be accessed here.
  • To view the full seminar recording, click here.

About Indochine Counsel

Indochine Counsel, one of Vietnam’s premier law firms, specializes in business law and has a team of twenty-five lawyers across its offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Established 17 years ago, Indochine Counsel currently has five partners and one senior counsel, equipped to provide boutique services and handle large-scale M&A deals. For more information about Indochine Counsel, please visit



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