Mr. Vu, Friendly Neighborhood Mediator

Mr. Phan Anh Vu, partner and co-founder of Indochine Counsel, has mastered the art of mediation.

He recently completed a five day training at the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution. This five day program certifies Mr. Vu to act as a mediator in disputes in Vietnam and elsewhere.

While mediation is rare in the West, direct arbitration the preferred technique, it is well done in the East. From personal experience it is something common in Southeast Asia and even China. It is part of the face saving mechanism in a way. If you can’t effectively de-escalate a problem before it becomes a full on conflict, then mediation is a way to meet face to face with a neutral referee and try to come to a resolution that is less antagonistic than arbitration or litigation.

Yet one more speciality represented by business law firm Indochine Counsel.

Congratulations Mr. Vu.



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